We are non-profit organisation based in Govan, Glasgow and working to develop our position as a social enterprise, research & development, networking and consultative body. Broadly we are involved in campaigning/lobbying, awareness raising, project management and developing proposals for sympathetic reuse of surplus maritime infrastructure assets. We are particularly concerned with sites that are threatened by controversial redevelopments and short-sighted commercial objectives that fail to address local needs.
The Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative began as a campaign for the restoration of Govan Graving Docks as a "shipbuilding heritage park".
Since then the vision of restoring the Govan docks has evolved further through networking and feedback from a diverse range of people and groups interested in the docks, as well as wider research into maritime heritage.
Research, development and outreach has paved the way to look at wider opportunities throughout the Clyde region and further afield in terms of maritime heritage. We are very much interested in what heritage is defined as, how it is used, and who benefits. As well as the wider opportunities to look at tourism, leisure, cultural development, environmental protection and sustainable development and how these interconnect with heritage.
The Clyde tends to be perceived as a dead river and we aim to challenge this by promoting the idea that the Clyde is full of exciting potential for the future. For the Clyde to be a hub of industrial, creative and cultural activity there needs to be diverse infrastructure and not just waterfront housing along its length.
Rather than operating as a fixed body of expertise we aim to bring a diverse range of experts and interest groups together on a project-by-project basis - by acting as a 'hub' or nexus organisation.