The Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative - Protecting and promoting the evolving maritime heritage of the tidal River Clyde

Protecting and Promoting the Evolving Maritime Heritage of the Tidal River Clyde

Find out More About the Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative
Firth of Clyde

Our Strategic Vision

The mission of CDPI is to ensure that historic dock sites and other maritime artefacts on the Clyde are preserved and used in sustainable ways that benefit local communities and the cultural, leisure, tourism and maritime economies of the region - while ensuring that historic and heritage considerations are fully respected. This is done both through direct activity and efforts to positively influence others with the necessary resources.

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Govan Graving Docks

Find out more about our ambitious proposals to save Govan's historic dry docks. We aim to see the docks transformed into a major maritime centre, nature reserve and social enterprise hub. We are developing a masterplan that aims to bring sustainable opportunities to the area, while celebrating the history of this unique example of industrial architecture, through the Govan Docks Regeneration Trust charity.

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Glasgow Clyde Waterfront

Celebrating Our River and Coast

An annual festival bringing together heritage, arts, leisure, events, activities and communities along the River and Firth of Clyde. Find out more about how your community or organisation can participate and help us to develop a new and evolving annual festival programme...

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Govan Dry Dock Skyline
Govan Graving Dock
Govan Dry Dock
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