The Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative is taking forward a wide consultation on the future of Govan Graving Docks.
The next major phase is a student architecture competition that we are launching in 2017/18 with the University of Strathclyde. The competition entries will be used to guide community and stakeholder feedback and inform the preparation of a brief for a formal masterplan.
We wish to engage stakeholders and others with an interest in the derelict Glasgow site, at both local and national level and within the maritime sector, in shaping an alternative vision for its future through the Govan Docks Regeneration Trust charity.
We are developing a plan to launch an annual Clyde Festival programme along the length of the Tidal River and firth along similar lines to London's Thames Festival. This aims to bring existing and new independent festival, events and activities together into a common marketing approach.
Join us in shaping a vision for a major celebration of the Clyde's past, present and future.
We are addressing the creation of a comprehensve inventory resource of everything maritime industrial and heritage related on the Clyde to document changes along the river.
Please get in touch if you have skills or expertise that could assist in compiling an archive.