Founded by CDPI, Govan Docks Regeneration Trust is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). Registered charity no. SC046875.
The charity aims to eventually acquire the Govan Graving Docks site to ensure the long-term protection and maintenance of the dry docks, pump house and other historic features. The objective behind the charity is that the docks will never again fall into dereliction or under threat of being filled in for redevelopment.
CDPI is beginning the process of gradually divesting our work relating to Govan Graving Docks to the Govan Docks Regeneration Trust charity over the next few years. In the long term we will provide an oversight role and retain a veto over trustee appointment to help ensure the charity remains true to its founding aims.
In the long-term CDPI will continue to promote and raise the profile of Govan Graving Docks directly and in the context of other maritime heritage initiatives - complementing activities the charity undertakes itself. However if the charity is able to acquire the site it will assume full ultimate responsibility for the restoration, maintenance, tendering, long-term management, leasing/hire of space on the site, etc.