The mission of CDPI is to promote the maritime heritage of the River and Firth of Clyde as something that is evolving, developing and relevant in a modern context. We aim to promote the idea that heritage is as much about current/future developments and activity as it is about history.
We are concerned with the "living heritage" that is constantly evolving and what we leave for future generations.
We operate both through direct activity and efforts to positively influence others with the necessary resources.
Our work is focused on developing projects, networks, conversations and ventures that aim to focus on the River and Firth of Clyde as a maritime region and how this can have a sustainable future.
Our flagship Clyde.Scot project takes in everything to do with these aims.
Clyde Docks Preservation Initiaitve (CDPI) was launched in 2015 to take forward a campaign for the restoration of Govan's historic A-listed dry docks (Govan Graving Docks) as a maritime heritage park.
Over the years, through research, development and networking; we have developed our scope of interest to look at broader maritime and related issues impacting the River/Firth of Clyde region.
The vision of restoring the Govan docks continued to evolve through networking and feedback from a diverse range of people and groups interested in the historic site, as well as wider research into maritime heritage. It also became apparent that proposals for the Govan docks needed to be taken forward by a community-focused charitable body and one specifically dedicated to the site. For this purpose we set up the Govan Docks Regeneration Trust (SCIO) - to which we have divested most of our work relating to the graving docks. Though we continue to support Govan Docks Regeneration Trust with resources, expertise and project support.
Research, development and outreach has paved the way to look at wider opportunities throughout the Clyde region and further afield to promote maritime heritage and active, sustainable use of the maritime environment. We are very much interested in what heritage is defined as, how it is used, and who benefits. We also consider wider opportunities to look at tourism, leisure, cultural development, environmental protection and sustainable development and how these relate to heritage.