Since 2015 we have advocated for the restoration of Govan's derelict graving docks as a maritime heritage park.
An important part of the campaign was challenging the plans to build up to 750 high rise flats on the site. Our extensive background research, networking and analysis of the 2017 planning application led to a 34 page detailed dossier of grounds for objection; which we submitted to Glasgow City Council. We also issued guidance for members of the public to submit their own objections which was used by over 50 individuals and organisations. Glasgow City Council decisively refused planning consent for the proposed housing development in August 2018.
In 2017 we commissioned Fablevision Studios to produce a short documentary film about the Govan Graving Docks campaign which was funded through a crowd funding campaign supported by more than 150 contributors.
Our graving docks project led us to set up the Govan Docks Regeneration Trust as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) in 2016. Following the refusal of planning consent for housing, Govan Docks Regeneration Trust has been engaging with the local community, through an extensive consultation on the future of the historic site.
Our extensive research and networking has led us to develop links with other social enterprises, academia, industry and artists who have produced work inspired by the derelict dry docks.
While we have divested most of our role regarding the future of the docks to Govan Docks Regeneration Trust, we continue to provide operational support and resources to the charity.
With new plans and projects emerging for Govan Graving Docks from the current owners, we continue to oppose any form of housing development on the site and recommend that it be given protected status as a maritime infrastructure, heritage and community asset.