The Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative - Protecting and promoting the evolving maritime heritage of the tidal River Clyde

Protecting and Promoting the Evolving Maritime Heritage of the Tidal River Clyde

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[Turning the Tide On the Clyde]

Turning the Tide On the Clyde

Turning the Tide On the Clyde was originally conceived as an initiative to build better connections along the River and Firth of Clyde to raise its profile as a maritime region.

In parallel to this we had been developing a concept to launch a Clyde festival programme, partly inspired by London's Totally Thames. This festival concept was a key part of the early stakeholder engagement for the Turning the Tide On the Clyde initiative which has also led to the conceptualisation of the broader Clyde.Scot digital platform. Part of the process involved choosing a brand name for our Clyde Festival concept and it was decided that Turning the Tide On the Clyde would be the ideal choice.

From the start the intention was not to directly organise or oversee festival or event activities. Rather we aimed to create a shared platform for promotion of diverse independent festivals, community events, cultural activities and attractions in the region; with a focus on summer activity.

We are preparing to roll-out Turning the Tide on the Clyde as annual programme listing of cultural events along the river and Firth of Clyde throughout the summer. The programme is a celebration of the Clyde, the rich history of the river; its biodiversity; its communities and activities that take place through organisations, groups and the local business sector. It is being developed as a web based guide with it own branded section on the Clyde.Scot platform.

After a pilot, the programme aims to fully launch for events taking place from summer 2024 and will aim to support event organisers to recover from the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the recreational sector.

Since April 2021 we have been working alongside Glasgow Caledonian University to develop a mapping process - mapping existing activities, stakeholders and resources in the region, to support development of the Turning the Tide On the Clyde programme.

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