The Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative - Protecting and promoting the evolving maritime heritage of the tidal River Clyde

Protecting and Promoting the Evolving Maritime Heritage of the Tidal River Clyde

Home > Projects > Clyde.Scot
River Clyde at Sunset


Our flagship branded project Clyde.Scot was launched in 2020 and involves developing a digital platform that will aim to connect everything happening along the River and Firth of Clyde that is related to the maritime environment and activity.

The project evolved from the early consultation work for our "Turning the Tide on the Clyde" initiative. This was originally conceived as a way to engage stakeholders in promoting a more connected and active maritime region on the River and Firth of Clyde. Part of this was development of an annual programme listing of diverse independent events and festivals. The originally conceived Turning the Tide On the Clyde brand has now been adopted for the cultural events and activities programme. As a result we have adopted the domain name "Clyde.Scot" itself as the brand for the broader Clyde promotion platform. The concise name is easy to remember and appropriate for a broad focus on the Clyde.

Our launch plans which included further workshops and stakeholder engagement activity had been delayed and significantly affected by the Covid-19 crisis. In response to this crisis we have shifted our thinking around the project to address online engagement and development of digital resources that will benefit Clyde stakeholders and users. Clyde.Scot is now being developed as the core platform for these digital resources and engagement.

The Clyde.Scot platform also supports engagement for our other projects. In time we aim to develop it into a broad information portal for the region.

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